A Poetry Journal Established August 1998
Winter 2024/2025 Issue Is Here!
We are very pleased to announce that our Winter 2024/2025 issue is here! Poets in this issue include Susan Kay Uebelhoer Andreassen, Priscilla Atkins, Tina Barr, Miranda Beeson, Don Boes, Gaylord Brewer, Joel Brouwer, Patrick Carr, Dorsey Craft, Elizabeth Diebold, Liza Katz Duncan, Jason Fraley, Mary Gilliland, Laura Goldin, Mónica Gomery, Katherine Hays, Jennifer Juneau, Jason Labbe, Seth Leeper, Paul Lojeski, Zachary Lundgren, Stephen Massimilla, Edward Mayes, Sandy McIntosh, Amanda Newell, Matt Ott, Eric Pankey, Charlie Peck, Donald Platt, T. R. Poulson, Chelsea Querner, Eva Salzman, Rikki Santer, Carrie Shipers, Alex Silberman, Steven Ray Smith, Tim Suermondt, Derek JG Williams, and Stella Wong.
Read selected poems from recent issues by B.J. Best, Bernadette Geyer, Gerry LaFemina, Paul Lojeski, and Pascal Petit.
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Send your check to the address below or subscribe. Your subscription will start with the most recent issue. Please note: we are now publishing one issue a year. If you have a current subscription with Barrow Street, it will be extended accordingly so you receive the correct number of issues.
Barrow Street Press
c/o University of Rhode Island
Dept. of English and Creative Writing, Swan 114
60 Upper College Rd
Kingston, RI 02881-2000
$14 for a single copy
$25 for a two-year subscription (2 issues)
$35 for a three-year subscription (3 issues)
Foreign subscriptions - please add $6 for shipping.
Awards for Barrow Street
Poems from Barrow Street have been selected for inclusion in several volumes of The Best American Poetry, edited respectively by Terrence Hayes, Denise Duhamel, Mark Doty, David Wagoner, Charles Wright, Heather McHugh, Billy Collins, Paul Muldoon, Yusef Komunyakaa, Robert Creeley, Robert Hass, and Rita Dove. Nineteen poems since our inception have been featured in all. Others have also appeared in recent issues of the Pushcart Prize Anthology.
Poems appearing in Best American Poetry include:
Ray Gonzalez, "One El Paso, Two El Paso"
Stephanie Strickland, "Introductions"
Erica Dawson, "Back Matter"
Denise Duhamel, "How It Will End"
Charles Bernstein, "Ku(na)hay"
D. Nurkse, "The Gate of Abraham"
Lee Upton, "Thomas Hardy"
Kazim Ali "The Art of Breathing"
Daniel Johnson "Do Unto Others"
Thomas Fink, "Yinglish Strophes IX"
Ed Ochester "Voltaire at Cirey, 1736"
Craig Arnold "Couple from Hell"
Christine Scanlon "The Grilled Cheese Sandwich"
Ishle Yi Park "Queen Min Bee"
Diane di Prima "Midsummer"
D. Nurkse "Snapshot from Niagra"
Kathleen Ossip "The Nature of Things"
Denise Duhamel "Incest Taboo"
Kim Addonizio "Virgin Spring"