an online poetry journal
Original Dream
by Doug Ramspeck
It was much later I realized—
we were living outside Provo—
that everything around us
was imagined: stepping
from the shower,
sipping coffee, the moon
swelling its anthem after dark.
And when we closed our eyes,
what existed was the way
Utah Lake was surrounded
on three sides by mountains,
how we stood at the shore
and gazed at the flatness of the water,
the Wasatch peaks. And in this reverie
we whispered: Dear Liquid, Dear Mud.
And what, we asked, of the supplications
of the flesh, the contusions
of breaths that make a life?
And before you packed your car
then returned to Ohio,
what you pinned
to the refrigerator
began like this:
Dear Me, Dear You.
Doug Ramspeck is the author of six poetry collections and one collection of short stories. His most recent book, Black Flowers, is forthcoming from LSU Press. Individual poems have appeared in journals that include The Southern Review, The Kenyon Review, Slate, and The Georgia Review.